Following is the fourth installment of an extended series of commentaries. Over the next two installments Neale Donald Walsch offers deep insight on the nature of life and the reason it is the way it is. In this article Neale’s topic is:
I promised in the last installment that I would comment here on the reason that 'temporary amnesia' (forgetting Who We Really Are) is a part of the process of the...
Dear Neale Donald,
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for writing Conversations with God. In a sense, I envy you, wishing to “heaven” I’d authored it, instead of yourself; but whatever, if we are “all one,” then I really did have a hand in getting it channeled, created, and into print. I just wish I also had a share of its royalties!
You did a marvelous job of writing down much of my belief system, and it was confirming for me to see it in print! I’ve never...
Following is the third installment of an extended series of commentaries. Over the next three weeks Neale Donald Walsch offers deep insight on the nature of life and the reason it is the way it is. This week Neale’s topic is:
Embarking on the Journey - Keeping body and soul together
I said in this space last week that I would next discuss the reason for our temporary and selective amnesia during our life on Earth; the reason that we have to forget who we are in order to remember...
Dear Neale,
On page eighty-two of CwGBook 2, God says, “When you think of someone, if that person is sensitive enough, he or she can feel it.” I am one of those people who can feel it. I was very relieved to read those words, as never before have I had an explanation for the “feelings.” If I ever tried to talk to anyone about it I would usually just get a blank stare. Now I know I’m not crazy, just “sensitive.” I am looking for more information about...
The following is the second installment of an extended series of commentaries. Over the next four weeks Neale Donald Walsch offers deep insight on the nature of life and the reason it is the way it is. This week Neale’s topic is:
Finding Joy in Life - It's not about meeting the needs of your body...
If you believe that life has anything to do -- anything at all -- with the needs or goals or accomplishments of your body, then you haven't understood anything at all about the purpose of...
Dear Neale,
I’ve been working at a couple of restaurants for several years now, and have become very dissatisfied with the restaurant industry here. I’m very attracted to alternative therapies, from massage, nutrition and yoga to transpersonal psychology, pastoral counseling, and herbs. I want a career change! I don’t know which of the above I should choose. I don’t ever seem to get an answer to my question in meditation, so could you ask God which is best for me, and...
Dear Neale,
Your weekly bulletins are such an important part of my life. You bring me back to myself in each and every one, and given the last two years that I've had, I can't tell you how needed your words have been.
I have lost seven very special people to me in the past eighteen months--my young father, two best friends who were in their forties, and other special people who seemed to me to die before their time. Each week, when your bulletins come I am reminded of my own truth, of...
My dear friends...
The following is the first installment of an extended series of commentaries. Over the next five weeks Neale Donald Walsch offers deep insight on the nature of life and the reason it is the way it is. This week Neale’s topic is:
It seems like a long time to us (sometimes)...and sometimes it seems like the shortest time you can imagine...but to the Universe it is a split second.
Do you know how old the Universe is? You can't even comprehend how old it is. You can't...
My dear friends...
It takes an enormous amount of courage to get through life. I never realized that it did, but it does. I mean, when I was young, it didn't seem to me that life required bravery, in particular. Determination, perhaps. Stick-to-it-iveness, perhaps. A lot of tolerance for older people who didn't understand anything at all, perhaps. But not necessarily a whole bunch of bravery.
I was wrong.
As soon as I found out what life was really all about -- which wasn't until I was...
Dear Neale,
If we are creating our realities by our thoughts, words and actions, what about the victims of brutal crimes, senseless slaughters/mutilations? Do those people choose to die that way?
Alfreda, PA
Neale Responds
My friend,
You have asked a very fair and penetrating question. And the issue is even larger than you have stated it. For it is not only a matter of our intentions and choices, but of God’s. I mean, is it God’s will (even if it is not ours) that these...
Every week we present a new bulletin written by Conversations with God author Neale Donald Walsch. Once you've signed up you will be sent CWG related emails and a notification whenever the newest bulletin is available.