A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Hi Neale... I had to put down the Trilogy when I got to the part about your many questions on love, marriage and open marriage with God. I guess because I've been damaged and hurt in this area through my most recent marriage (marriage and divorce #3 for me). I had to let that information settle for a little bit before going back to the conversation. It made more sense after putting it down and picking it back up a couple days later.

My questions is this: in realizing a...

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Becoming Aware of Non-Awareness

My dear friends...

As you know, we have been discussing here the moments in life that I have called The Holy Experience. And in last week’s installment I said that there are ten instruments by which any person may have such an experience. I said that the Ten Instruments are divided into two types: Physical Tools (described fully in the preceding chapter) and Spiritual Tools (which I will describe here). I have alternately called these two types The Five Tools of Awareness, and The Five...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale:

I have always believed that Jesus was a savior to all mankind. After reading CWG, I'm not sure. What is the truth as you know it?

Williamstown, NJ.

Neale Responds

Dear Craig,

You've asked what many consider to be the central question of the century. The impact of Jesus' life was so extraordinary, it will never be forgotten. That is because Jesus was-is-a savior to all mankind. As are you and I.

Now, the difference between you and me and Jesus is that he...

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Explaining explaining

My dear friends...

Last week we continued our exploration of The Holy Experience by focusing on the fifth tool with which we can achieve this, the tool of explaining. This is when we explain to others what we have come to understand as a result of using the first four tools.

We continue our look at that tool this week.

It has been said that we teach what we choose to learn. I choose to learn more and more about how the Universe works, about Divinity and the Essence of all of life, about...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale... I am extremely thankful for your book, Conversations with God. I would not doubt it becomes the Bible of the next millennium. It has helped me to clear things up and put them in their proper perspective.

If I had to give up all of my books (in the hundreds) and keep just one, this would be the book. Before I finished
CwG I knew I would be reading it perpetually, again and again. I would like you to consider the following questions that were not touched upon...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Mr. Walsch: Thank you so much for CWG. To say it is amazing is a masterpiece of understatement. A lot of your book verifies things I already feel are true. Some of it, as you know, is truly surprising. I am on my second reading.

This is a book that must be read several times. A question I would hope you would be able to address is about meditation. I live in an apartment complex that is adjacent to a four lane street.

Although I am a senior citizen, I have very good...

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Be the Source

My dear friends...

As you know, we have been on a wonderful journey here in the Weekly Bulletin, exploring what I have called The Holy Experience.

This week in this space we return to our look at The Holy Experience. As you know if you have been reading along, we have been listing the several tools that I have discovered can make it possible for each of us to take in order to enter into such an experience. Over the most recent weeks we have explored steps 1-4.

The fifth tool on the path...

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Embrace what you have discovered

My dear friends...

Last week in this space we spoke about how the opinions and observations of us offered by others can "run" our life, actually creating, in a way, our experience of ourselves. I talked about how this happened to me...and about how, finally, I broke out of that trap through deep personal exploration.

I had gathered much from my explorations. I gathered much from all those books, retreats, religions, seminars, and sacred interactions with others that I have spoken of here in...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale... Some people, like myself, can hear, see or feel unusual phenomena happening around us. Because of it being possible demons, it frightens me. I rebuke them in the name of the Lord Almighty. They usually leave me alone. Page 51 of CWG 1 says there is no such thing as the devil.

The Bible illustrates a story where Jesus cast out the demons from a boy into a herd of pigs which ran themselves into the water and drowned (Mark 5:11-13). Pastors and priests alike are...

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Living out other people's beliefs

My dear friends...

Last week in this space I told you about how a wonderful teacher of mine, Terry Cole-Whittaker, once helped me understand what my resistance was to embracing a new truth, my own truth, about something.

"Who would you have to 'make wrong' in order to accept what you know to be true inside of you?" she asked. In one case it was my father. In another case, it was my mother. In still another case it was my favorite childhood teacher. Rather than make them "wrong," I held onto ...

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