Where to from here?

My dear friends...

Well, I did it. I wrote “2022” for the first time on a check the other day. Somehow, for me, that makes it official. And, unlike some other years, when I’d make a mistake the first few times I had to write the date, this time I had no trouble at all remembering to write two-zero-two-TWO. I was so happy that Old Year was over!

It’s been a tough year for that, hasn’t it? A tough year. A long year. A year of challenge, for sure. Some people...

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A Letter to Neale: What itā€™s all about

Reader question:

Dear Neale... Okay, so the New Year is here. But who cares? I have no idea why I am here. I have no idea what life is about. It all seems so pointless to me. Can you give me a good reason --- any reason --- for all this? And what can I do to make the New Year “happy”?

Love, Margaret


Neale Responds:

My dear Margaret: The New Year will be better if you will give yourself a “better” reason for going on; a better reason for living.


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If every night was New Yearā€™s Eve

My dear friends...

And so we begin another year. Another cycle in the continuous circling of the Earth around the Sun. Another passage of the Body, Mind, and Soul through the Labyrinth of Life.

And as we end the latest of these rotations and begin again yet another, every thinking person must ask, “What is the point of this? Are we truly just going round in circles, pretending that our elliptical course is a straight line actually going  somewhere? Is there any kind of purpose or...

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A Letter to Neale: Merry, merry YOU.

Reader question:

Dear Neale... Even though I am not a Christian, I want to believe in all the good things that Christmas stands for. But the world has warped my sense of things, I think. I seem to have lost the “Christmas spirit.” Can you help?

With sadness, but hope... Catherine Z., Toledo, Ohio


Neale Responds:

My dear Catherine: You can “find” the spirit of Christmas again by causing another to experience it. Do not seek to find the Christmas...

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What is Christmas really about?

My dear friends...

A few years ago I shared the following message at the annual Christmas Eve service that the Conversations with God Foundation presents in Ashland, Oregon for many years. I couldn’t sleep last night. I was up from 2 until 6, having another one of my Conversations with God.

“Tell me about Christmas,” I said. “What is it really all about?” And I heard, “What do you mean, what is it really all about? I’ve told you a million times what...

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Love being love and being loving

My dear friends...

Love is a Natural Emotion. When it is allowed to be expressed, and received by a child, normally and naturally, without limitation or condition, inhibition or embarrassment, it does not require anything more. For the joy of love expressed and received in this way is sufficient unto itself. Yet love which has been conditioned, limited, warped by rules and regulations, rituals and restrictions, controlled, manipulated, and withheld, becomes unnatural.

Children who are made...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale, Could you please let me know how to practice the "Gut level clarity" or "faith"? Could you please give me some tips how to develop it. Thank you so much.
Regards, Manish

Neale Responds

Dear Manish: Do not seek to have "faith." Seek to move to a place of "knowing." There are three levels of awareness...

1. Hope
2. Faith
3. Knowing

If you "hope" a thing will happen, you are allowing as to how it might not, but you sure hope it does.

If you have "faith" that a...

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Embrace what you have discovered

My dear friends...

Last week in this space we spoke about how the opinions and observations of us offered by others can "run" our life, actually creating, in a way, our experience of ourselves. I talked about how this happened to me...and about how, finally, I broke out of that trap through deep personal exploration.

I had gathered much from my explorations. I gathered much from all those books, retreats, religions, seminars, and sacred interactions with others that I have spoken of here in...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader question:

Dear Neale... First of all, congratulations for your very important work! Here is my question: How many person told you that he/she has been part of the very same process and goal that you are part of? That is, God has passed the information for years in order to prepare for a kind of a mission. I think, Neale, you gave them the foundations, you showed an example. And that is great! :) What is your advice and message for these people and truly how can you help them?...

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Living out other people's beliefs

My dear friends...

Last week in this space I told you about how a wonderful teacher of mine, Terry Cole-Whittaker, once helped me understand what my resistance was to embracing a new truth, my own truth, about something.

"Who would you have to 'make wrong' in order to accept what you know to be true inside of you?" she asked. In one case it was my father. In another case, it was my mother. In still another case it was my favorite childhood teacher. Rather than make them "wrong," I held onto...

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