What is God thinking here with wild fires? Or, for that matter, with ALL that is going wrong in our world?
Anyone who believes in God -- and certainly anyone who believes in a God Who gives us the power to create our own reality, and Who co-creates that reality with us -- has to ask that question, yes?
I'm asking that question today. What in the world is God thinking here? A million people evacuated from their homes? Thousands of dwellings destroyed? Acreage more...
Hello Neale,
A gentlemen in his forties had been asked to leave the bedroom he shared with his wife. She was no longer interested in a physical relationship. Divorce was not even an issue, because of our old country club money and societal standards.
Eventually, he and his secretary fell in love and were lovers for some twenty years. She was shunned by the city folk for all those years. Eventually the wife died, and the man and his secretary married. Still, the unacceptance towards the...
Dear Neale,
My name is Penny and the only word that seems to sum up how I felt when I read your books was wow!
Neale, these are the questions that your books have raised for me. (1) 1 still don't understand why people in relationships, especially families, constantly hurt each other, and the relationships go up and down. Is it karma being worked out from past lives? (2) In CwG, Book 1, God says the color white does not mean without color, it means color inclusive. Does this apply to...
A while back, I told a crowd of over 300 that the single biggest mistake humanity has ever made has been its acceptance, as part of its Cultural Story, of the idea of Separation.
According to this story, human beings are separate from each other.
This way of holding the human experience is soundly based in "Separation Theology." And what is that? Well, let me ask you a question. Do you think about God? If you do, what thoughts do you think? Do you think that there is a God? If...
"God says, 'You may not have what you want'."
When I first encountered those words in Conversations with God-Book 1, I remember thinking, "Wait a minute! That's exactly the opposite of what all religions teach. Religions teach that even before you ask, you will be answered. They teach that God is ready, willing, and able to fulfill all of our desires, if we will but ask. And they teach that if God does not grant us our wishes and answer our prayers, it is because of some higher good or...
Dear Mr. Walsch,
Thank you for your wonderful books. I have one question. It concerns the story in the Bible where Jesus curses the fig tree because it doesn't bear fruit. I don't understand why he would do this, because it also says that it wasn't the season for the tree to bear figs. The fig tree example must be there for a reason, but what?
For a long time this story has seemed to represent to me what seems a certain capriciousness on the part of Jesus/God, which perhaps refers to how man...
Each morning when I awaken I try to remember to say a little prayer. It is the same prayer that I have been saying to myself for many years now.
Thank you, God, for another day, and another chance to be my Highest Self. Thank you for this life and for the wonder of this moment. Thank you for everything that has ever happened to me, is happening now, and ever will happen. For all of it has produced the perfection of this next breath, and the glory of Who I Am now going to be. Amen, and amen.
Dear Neale,
In CwG, God says we can't define God. If not, how do we know that God is love? Also, why did God want to know Himself? I have gotten used to the idea that God is love and light and truth and abundance, etc. But to some people, love is defined differently. If the only love they've known is limited and self-serving, how can they know that love is understanding and forgiveness and non-judgment? My brother-in-law thinks that love is disciplining, that God is a disciplinarian. He is...
Dear Neale,
Your book says there is no such thing as “right” and “wrong”. What about “good” and “evil?” Is there true evil in the world?
Neale Responds
Yes, there is, RJL, and we must be grateful for it. Evil is the greatest gift God ever allowed us to give ourselves.
Re-read the Conversations with God books very closely and you will understand why.
For now, this gentle and loving thought...fight not evil with evil, and neither...
I've been looking a lot at the nature of relationships lately and I'm coming to some conclusions that I had not reached as firmly in the past as I am experiencing right now. So for the next several weeks I am going to be exploring this topic in a series of entries here.
Before I start this discussion, let's take a look at some of what Conversations with God has to say on this subject…
You have nothing to learn about...
Every week we present a new bulletin written by Conversations with God author Neale Donald Walsch. Once you've signed up you will be sent CWG related emails and a notification whenever the newest bulletin is available.