Be one of the 5%

My dear friends...

A question: Did Conversations with God do for your spiritual life what it did for mine? The 9 books in the dialogue series did more than simply alter my ideas about God. They gave me tools -- powerful insights that I have used to build new approaches to age-old problems.


I was so excited about it that the first thing I wanted to do was share the CWG messages with everybody. I knew how much they meant to me, and I could only imagine what they could mean to others once they got their hands on them, once they wrapped their mind around them! I just wanted everybody to discover what I had discovered!


Have you felt a little of the same yearning? I hope so. Because right now, with alienation spreading across our planet, people everywhere could benefit from these messages more than at any time I can remember.


If you’ve been looking for something you could do to help other people learn more about the healing revelations in Conversations with God, please consider joining hands with me in supporting the outreach of the non-profit foundation that was established to do just that. If we can get people to begin applying the CWG messages in their lives, we can really make an impact on our world.


Like many non-profit organizations, the Conversations with God Foundation has seen a significant drop in the support it had been receiving from spiritually motivated donors, due to the very conditions that make its work more needed now than ever. If you could spare even the smallest amount, it could create a positive impact in the lives of others. I’m talking a dollar or two. Or even the cost of a cup of coffee. 


I know that 95% of those reading these words may not feel able to step in now and help us make a difference, but if you could be one of the 5% who do feel able, the work of the CWG Foundation could continue. Thanks, with all my heart, for saying “Yes, I can give one dollar…or five dollars…or maybe even ten…and will make sharing CWG with others one of my priorities.”


Or you can mail a check to us at: 

CwG Foundation
PO Box 507
Ashland, OR 97520



Read this week's Letter to Neale here


Read a message from one of the prisoners impacted by our Prison Outreach HERE




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