Reader Question:
Dear Neale...Thank you for penning the CWG books. Their divine wisdom is clear. Tell me something. You and Jesus believe in the power of "when two or more are gathered in My Name." This is indeed powerful, but so is individual prayer. Jesus also said that when you want to pray, go into your room and shut the door rather than flaunt it praying in front of others. Have you actually been told whether or not the Goddess of Love, who you call "God," prefers people to pray in...
My dear friends...
Election Day in the United States is coming up in less than 80 days, where a great many of the readers of this Bulletin reside. As a non-profit organization our Foundation cannot (and would not choose to if it could) endorse any political candidate running for any office --- but we can urge you, whomever you support, not to miss the chance to cast your vote.
Voting in a free election is one of the great privileges of a democracy, and we urge you to make your voice heard!...
Reader Question:
Dear Neale:
After reading the closing of your book and down to the ending of the last letter of your name there were chills that came all over me, and then even more chills. So I give you thanks for being the messenger you were meant to be. Above all, I give thanks for this book to be written. For I, too, had many of the same questions you did; I have even more regarding the psychic world.
My questions are: (1) How do you become psychic? (2) Is there a danger, as they say,...
My dear friends...
In our last two entries here we spoke of yearning as an energy in the process of creation. We also said that there were other energies that can be equally powerful in the Force of Creation. And we promised that this week we would explore one of them. So here goes...
This week’s exploration focuses on Willingness as a Force of Creation.
When a Soul is willing for something to occur, that occurrence is much more likely to take place. When the Soul is not willing, it...
Reader Question:
Dear Neale,
I am currently having problems with the scriptures of the Bible as they relate to divorce and remarriage.
They say that there are only two grounds for divorce: sexual infidelity or the desertion of a believer by a nonbeliever. I left my wife about five and a half years ago, with our divorce three years ago, for neither of those reasons. Granted, it was wrong according to scripture.
Now I am dating a lady whom I love (and who is also divorced). It appears...
My dear friends...
We spoke in this space last week about the energy we call “yearning,” and we concluded the column by saying...
“Ultimately, yearning for Divinity leads to the Holy Experience, for yearning always produces the experience for which it yearns.”
Let’s continue that thought this week...
One cannot yearn for something that one does not think exists—or at least can exist. Nor can one yearn for something that one knows not of. Worms cannot...
Reader Question:
Dear Neale,
I have a few questions for you.
(1) What is the purpose of living and dying for hundreds of thousands of lifetimes? It seems like an endless cycle. Where does it ultimately lead to?
(2) In New York when I attended your lecture, you signed my book "I see who you are and I love what I see." What does that mean? Who am I that you see?
(3) What is one's life purpose? How does one find that out?
(4) How can I have a conversation with God? I would like to have...
Reader Question:
Dear Neale,
My question is: If I had to choose one of the 9 books in the CwG series to give to someone else as an introduction to this material, which one should it be? Recently I had someone ask me, "What is all this about? What are you 'into'?", and I wanted to share one of the books with them, but I couldn't decide which one would be best, or would give them the best idea, of what Conversations with God was all about. What's you choice? You must get asked this question...
Reader Question:
Dear Neale,
I have read the CWG books 1-3, and also the book "Home with God." I am 24 years old and have been with my boyfriend for almost nine years. He is the love of my life, my best friend, and my most cherished gift in this life.
Several months ago, I started having these uncontrollable fears that he might somehow die. I started phoning him to make sure he was safe at school, and started worrying all the time about his safety. Up until this point, these worries...
Reader Question:
Dear Mr. Walsch,
Thank you for your wonderful books. I have one question. It concerns the story in the Bible where Jesus curses the fig tree because it doesn't bear fruit. I don't understand why he would do this, because it also says that it wasn't the season for the tree to bear figs. The fig tree example must be there for a reason, but what?
For a long time this story has seemed to represent to me what seems a certain capriciousness on the part of Jesus/God, which...
Every week we present a new bulletin written by Conversations with God author Neale Donald Walsch. Once you've signed up you will be sent CWG related emails and a notification whenever the newest bulletin is available.