Neale Talks About Holistic Living...

My dear friends...

For the largest portion of the Earth's inhabitants the word abundance , as most people now use it, has little meaning. More meaningful to them is the word survival . Yet, no human being should have to worry about day-to-day survival. That should be guaranteed, as should the basic human dignity of sufficient food, clothing and shelter.

Why we, as humans, do not share more freely of all that we have (a tiny percentage of the world's people holds a massive percentage of the...

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A Letter to Neale


Dear Mr. Walsch,

Is there any way one can speed up this process of enlightenment, e.g., a "Cliff Notes" shortcut, or the use of the powerful "I AM" commands?

Steve, MI 


Neale Responds

Dear Steve,

The fastest way I know to "speed up" the process of enlightenment is to begin to seriously conjure the grandest version of the greatest vision you ever held about yourself and Who You Are. What does that look like? How would you dress? What would you eat? Where would you go?...

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Neale Talks About Awareness, Honesty, Responsibility...

My dear friends...

Nothing has impressed me more, or impacted me more, in the entire body of work known as the With God books than the Three Core Concepts of Holistic Living given to us in CwG-Book 1 :

1.        Awareness

2.        Honesty

3.        Responsibility

God told me that if I lived my entire life with these concepts as my guidelines, all of the "dramas" of my life would be over. Now you must...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

Would you please clarify something I am confused about? Tithing. I tithed for years when I was in a fundamentalist church, so I know what it means. For the past year I have been giving away at least ten percent of my gross income, most of it to sources of spiritual growth. So many different things I've read have been consistent about the importance of putting back at least ten percent into the universe, but there seems to be no consensus about where to give it.

You have also...

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Neale Talks About Purpose...

My dear friends...

Often I am asked, "What is the secret of a joyful, fulfilling life?" I have looked at that question for many years, and I have come to the conclusion that one of the secrets, at least, if not the only one, is Purpose. It is difficult for me to conceive of a satisfying life that is without purpose. And the grander the purpose the better.

Having said it, it is astonishing to me that so few people actually have established a purpose for their lives. Most people that I...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

 I found CwG to be very inspiring. Thank you for asking about life and love and success!! I am interested in your insights about abortion especially.

Jacqueline, AZ

Neale Responds

Dear Jacqueline,

I find it interesting that among the questions I am asked the most are questions on abortion and homosexuality. I think that people really want to know what God thinks about these things, so that they can settle all this for themselves once and for all.

The first thing I want you...

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Neale Talks About Love... Again

My dear friends...

Let us to take a look at what Conversations with God has to say about love and relationships.

Most people, God said to me, enter into relationships for the wrong reason.  The purpose of relationship is for us to create a context within which we might announce and declare, express and fulfill, our highest notion of who we really are.  Very few people understand romantic relationships in this way.

I certainly didn't in my life, and since I have been given this...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale:

In CwG, God says we can't define God. If not, how do we know that God is love? Also, why did God want to know Himself? I have gotten used to the idea that God is love and light and truth and abundance, etc. But to some people, love is defined differently. If the only love they've known is limited and self-serving, how can they know that love is understanding and forgiveness and non-judgment? My brother-in-law thinks that love is disciplining, that God is a disciplinarian. He is...

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Neale Talks About Living the Message...

My dear friends...

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately. I've been trying to figure out how to better use the wisdom in the extraordinary books which have come through me. I've been trying to understand how to render that wisdom functional in my everyday life.

I've not had an easy time with this. Earlier in my life I at least had an excuse for my behaviors. I didn't know any better. I had no idea what life was about, and so I couldn't make any part of it work for me. In my utter...

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A Letter to Neale


Dear Mr. Walsch,

I've been asking our Father for guidance & the answer is always that I should write to you so that others will share in the answers.

I was raised by a self-proclaimed Pentecostal preacher who sexually abused me. I spent 20 years living a destructive lifestyle, often trying suicide. It was on one of these attempts I believe I met God. Six years ago, I tried to kill my stepfather and had a complete breakdown. I was put in a mental hospital and diagnosed as...

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