A Letter to Neale

 Hello Neale,

A gentlemen in his forties had been asked to leave the bedroom he shared with his wife. She was no longer interested in a physical relationship. Divorce was not even an issue, because of our old country club money and societal standards.

Eventually, he and his secretary fell in love and were lovers for some twenty years. She was shunned by the city folk for all those years. Eventually the wife died, and the man and his secretary married. Still, the unacceptance towards the secret...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

My name is Penny and the only word that seems to sum up how I felt when I read your books was wow! 

Neale, these are the questions that your books have raised for me. (1) 1 still don't understand why people in relationships, especially families, constantly hurt each other, and the relationships go up and down. Is it karma being worked out from past lives? (2) In CwG, Book 1, God says the color white does not mean without color, it means color inclusive. Does this apply to race? Doe...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Mr. Walsch,

Thank you for your wonderful books. I have one question. It concerns the story in the Bible where Jesus curses the fig tree because it doesn't bear fruit. I don't understand why he would do this, because it also says that it wasn't the season for the tree to bear figs. The fig tree example must be there for a reason, but what?

For a long time this story has seemed to represent to me what seems a certain capriciousness on the part of Jesus/God, which perhaps refers to how man f...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

In CwG, God says we can't define God. If not, how do we know that God is love? Also, why did God want to know Himself? I have gotten used to the idea that God is love and light and truth and abundance, etc. But to some people, love is defined differently. If the only love they've known is limited and self-serving, how can they know that love is understanding and forgiveness and non-judgment? My brother-in-law thinks that love is disciplining, that God is a disciplinarian. He is comf...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

Your book says there is no such thing as “right” and “wrong”. What about “good” and “evil?” Is there true evil in the world?


Neale Responds

Yes, there is, RJL, and we must be grateful for it. Evil is the greatest gift God ever allowed us to give ourselves.

Re-read the Conversations with God books very closely and you will understand why.

For now, this gentle and loving thought...fight not evil with evil, and neither condemn it. Rather, bless it and see it for what i...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Mr. Walsch,

Thank you for being the vehicle through which the
CwG material has been transmitted to the rest of the world. It has been said that many are called but few are chosen. Clearly you have been one who has been chosen, or perhaps it is more correct to say you are one who chose. It’s also been said that it is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. Well, my friend, the light from your candle has already touched over a million souls…and you have only just begun.


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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

I understand abuse and cruelty as it pertains to humans—as much as it could possibly be understood—but
CwG, Book 1 did not mention animals. I read the paper or listen to news and hear day after day how people torture and kill, maim and abuse animals. On a grander scale, we have slaughter houses, chicken farms, etc. The animals are innocent victims. I cannot bear to think of the pain they must endure. And for what? Please, please ask God to explain this for me — and what I can do to ...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

At the completion of your second book, you state that some of us may be uncomfortable with the ideas presented, and that they should not be accepted as “gospel." I have a real serious problem with that statement! If you cannot believe the word of God, what else is there? Doesn't that one sentence contradict everything you have written? God says one of our problems is that we don’t believe Him…HELP! I am confused!

Also, I took everything I read very seriously until I came upon page ...

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A Letter to Neale

Dear Neale,

Would you please clarify something I am confused about? Tithing. I tithed for years when I was in a fundamentalist church, so I know what it means. For the past year I have been giving away at least ten percent of my gross income, most of it to sources of spiritual growth. So many different things I’ve read have been consistent about the importance of putting back at least ten percent into the Universe, but there seems to be no consensus about where to give it.

You have also talked...

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A Letter to Neale


A close friend and business partner was killed recently in a car accident in which another driver crossed the center line and hit him head on.  Our family is struggling to come to terms with it.  Some questions that arise are: did our friend choose to transmute himself into another form at this time or did God choose to transmute him?  Is there a perfect divine order to things or are events like this random?  Could our friend, if he chose, help us in his current state?  Any insight into the...

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