A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale... I am extremely thankful for your book, Conversations with God. I would not doubt it becomes the Bible of the next millennium. It has helped me to clear things up and put them in their proper perspective.

If I had to give up all of my books (in the hundreds) and keep just one, this would be the book. Before I finished
CwG I knew I would be reading it perpetually, again and again. I would like you to consider the following questions that were not touched upon in...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Mr. Walsch: Thank you so much for CWG. To say it is amazing is a masterpiece of understatement. A lot of your book verifies things I already feel are true. Some of it, as you know, is truly surprising. I am on my second reading.

This is a book that must be read several times. A question I would hope you would be able to address is about meditation. I live in an apartment complex that is adjacent to a four lane street.

Although I am a senior citizen, I have very good heari

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale... Some people, like myself, can hear, see or feel unusual phenomena happening around us. Because of it being possible demons, it frightens me. I rebuke them in the name of the Lord Almighty. They usually leave me alone. Page 51 of CWG 1 says there is no such thing as the devil.

The Bible illustrates a story where Jesus cast out the demons from a boy into a herd of pigs which ran themselves into the water and drowned (Mark 5:11-13). Pastors and priests alike are de

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale, I just finished reading Book 3. Wow! This is the best book of all! The best part was the last fifth of the book, which talked about HEBs. Do you really believe that there are such things? Will we ever be able to have a life such as the ones they live?

Eleanore, Seattle, WA.

Neale Responds

Dear Eleanore, perhaps we should explain, for those who haven't yet read the book, what "HEBs" are.

The word HEB an abbreviation for "Highly Evolved Being." The final pa

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Hi, Neale! I'm not writing to you as an authority on everything in the world. But I realize that through your experiences with god/goddess you might have a better perspective than I do.

I just finished reading the prophecies of Nostradamus and the author of Saved by the Light, Dannion Brinkley. What troubles me is that both of their predictions are similiar and you hinted at the same thing in your book.

Are these really the end times? Do you believe like the Mayans that i

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale,

I recognize that there is no shortage of responses to your Conversations with God, but I still felt compelled to add my energy to the others. I come from a life history that includes decades of loneliness, self-loathing, and debilitating depression, culminating in chronic illness and "toxic drama."

During one of many major operations, I stopped breathing and was clinically dead for 16-20 minutes. I had what is commonly referred to as a near-death experience, w

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Mr. Walsch: Yesterday, my wife and I received a gift package in the mail. Among the gifts inside was your book, Conversations with God Book 1. And that is why it happens that I have written to you today.

Sir, first allow me to say with all sincerity that I believe without a shadow of a doubt that you had the conversations, which are recorded in the volume mentioned above, and that you had them with a being from the spiritual world which surrounds us. I am not requestin

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale...Thank you for penning the CWG books. Their divine wisdom is clear. Tell me something. You and Jesus believe in the power of "when two or more are gathered in My Name." This is indeed powerful, but so is individual prayer. Jesus also said that when you want to pray, go into your room and shut the door rather than flaunt it praying in front of others. Have you actually been told whether or not the Goddess of Love, who you call "God," prefers people to pray in group...

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale:
After reading the closing of your book and down to the ending of the last letter of your name there were chills that came all over me, and then even more chills. So I give you thanks for being the messenger you were meant to be. Above all, I give thanks for this book to be written. For I, too, had many of the same questions you did; I have even more regarding the psychic world.

My questions are: (1) How do you become psychic? (2) Is there a danger, as they say,

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A Letter to Neale

Reader Question:

Dear Neale,

I am currently having problems with the scriptures of the Bible as they relate to divorce and remarriage.

They say that there are only two grounds for divorce: sexual infidelity or the desertion of a believer by a nonbeliever. I left my wife about five and a half years ago, with our divorce three years ago, for neither of those reasons. Granted, it was wrong according to scripture.

Now I am dating a lady whom I love (and who is also divorced). It appears tha

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