Be the Source

My dear friends...

As you know, we have been on a wonderful journey here in the Weekly Bulletin, exploring what I have called The Holy Experience.

This week in this space we return to our look at The Holy Experience. As you know if you have been reading along, we have been listing the several tools that I have discovered can make it possible for each of us to take in order to enter into such an experience. Over the most recent weeks we have explored steps 1-4.

The fifth tool on the path...

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Embrace what you have discovered

My dear friends...

Last week in this space we spoke about how the opinions and observations of us offered by others can "run" our life, actually creating, in a way, our experience of ourselves. I talked about how this happened to me...and about how, finally, I broke out of that trap through deep personal exploration.

I had gathered much from my explorations. I gathered much from all those books, retreats, religions, seminars, and sacred interactions with others that I have spoken of here in...

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Living out other people's beliefs

My dear friends...

Last week in this space I told you about how a wonderful teacher of mine, Terry Cole-Whittaker, once helped me understand what my resistance was to embracing a new truth, my own truth, about something.

"Who would you have to 'make wrong' in order to accept what you know to be true inside of you?" she asked. In one case it was my father. In another case, it was my mother. In still another case it was my favorite childhood teacher. Rather than make them "wrong," I held onto ...

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Is your truth different?

My dear friends...

Knowing something and accepting it are two different things. I discovered this when I finished (or thought I had finished) my exploring. "Exploring," you will remember from our previous weeks' discussion here in the Bulletin, is Tool #3 in my creation of The Holy Experience. Today, we're going to discuss Tool #4: "Embracing." This is about truly embracing a new idea about everything--who I am, who God is, why we are here...everything.

I had spent years looking at many...

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The end is the beginning

Due to the fires in southern Oregon, we were unable to post last week's bulletin. We continue this week right where we left off. Thank you for your understanding!

My dear friends...

Last entry in this space we said that the exploration of Divinity never ends—because Divinity Itself is endless. It is eternal and limitless and it expands the moment Its awareness of Itself is complete.

I would like to explain that further here today.

In a sense, Full Awareness is never...

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A lifetime-to-lifetime process

My dear friends...

Last week in this space we began a discussion of the difference between being a ”seeker” of The Holy Experience and being an “explorer” of it. Continuing on that topic...

Being an explorer of the full experience and knowing of life’s ultimate reality can often separate us from our family, friends, and peers, who wonder why we have not accepted the answers that they have found or accepted, and why we are not experiencing what they are...

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Do NOT forget to VOTE!

My dear friends...

Election Day in the United States is coming up in less than 80 days, where a great many of the readers of this Bulletin reside. As a non-profit organization our Foundation cannot (and would not choose to if it could) endorse any political candidate running for any office --- but we can urge you, whomever you support, not to miss the chance to cast your vote.

Voting in a free election is one of the great privileges of a democracy, and we urge you to make your voice heard!...

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Exerting your Will is powerful

My dear friends...

In our last two entries here we spoke of yearning as an energy in the process of creation. We also said that there were other energies that can be equally powerful in the Force of Creation. And we promised that this week we would explore one of them. So here goes...

This week’s exploration focuses on Willingness as a Force of Creation.

When a Soul is willing for something to occur, that occurrence is much more likely to take place. When the Soul is not willing, it...

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Concluding thoughts about ‘yearning’

My dear friends...

We spoke in this space last week about the energy we call “yearning,” and we concluded the column by saying...

“Ultimately, yearning for Divinity leads to the Holy Experience, for yearning always produces the experience for which it yearns.”

Let’s continue that thought this week...

One cannot yearn for something that one does not think exists—or at least can exist. Nor can one yearn for something that one knows not of. Worms cannot...

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