Reader question:
Dear Neale...In The Only Thing That Matters you wrote that the top priority in our lives should be āwhat one desires.ā Do you really think that god really is concerned with What One Desires? Look at cosmos and what a tiny speck each one of us is with our so serious concerns and desires. Volcanoes, black holes exploding stars etc and Microdot Mike I don't understand how any of us is so significant to god. I do not assign you responsibility for convincing me either. but what yo...
Reader question:
Dear Neale...Can you suggest what, as a world or national citizen, our political duties should be?
Neale Responds:
In the eyes of God, my friend, there is no such thing as "should." There are some things in the political realm that national citizens are invited to do...and indeed, I wrote an entire book about them. They are far too numerous to place in a one or two paragraph answer here.
May I suggest you read the book The Storm Before the Calm? You will find it posted ...
Reader question:
Dear Neale.. I recently listened to Book 3 where God is saying that mediums and channeling the other side is pretty much fraudulent and useless. I've been a medium for over 30 years, bona fide, honest and convinced that I am bringing a useful, and sometimes priceless service to people who have lost their loved ones and need comfort, assurance of life after death, and the knowledge that their loved ones are always with them. Why is my channeling of this information so terrible...
Reader question:
Dear Neale..Ā I was a liberal wing Swedenborgian back in the 90's. In 1758, in one of his revelations he said came from God (sound like anyone ), he wrote a very definite book account of visiting Heaven and Hell. He said God is never angry, is love itself, and never sentences anyone to hell --- but he said there is one. "Anyone can enter heaven. However as soon as an evil person inhales the air there, they have excruciating torment, so they quickly shun it and escape to a stat...
Reader question:
Dear Neale.. One question I've had about reading the CWG books is this. If everything is all one (which I believe it is) then how is God really experiencing anything? For instance, how do we form relationships, or intimate relationships, if we're all the same thing? Is Free Will just an illusion then? Considering that everything is God, isnāt it God's will and not ours? How does God love "us" as his/her children when it knows it is exactly that. Isn't everything you have writ...
Reader question:
Dear Neale..Dear Neale...Some history first and then my question. I was raised catholic in a very loving, but dysfunctional family. My father was an alcoholic, having served in many wars, that is how he dealt with it. There was a lot of screaming and turmoil in my life from it, even though; I was very close to both my parents, who have both passed now. My siblings and I are quite spread out in age, I being the youngest and experienced the most dysfunction. Three of us sibling...
Reader question:
Dear Neale,Ā I've seen a couple of book about how to hear God's voice and I'm wondering if you can recommend any books about it?
Love and joy Jasmine
Neale Responds:
Dear Jasmine...I do not have any particular book to recommend, but I can tell you how I hear God's voice. Simply ask with deep purity, deep sincerity, deep honesty, deep yearning, and deep willingness to hear from God. THEN...let God "speak" to you in any and every way.
Do not "insist" that God speak to yo...
Reader question:
Dear Neale,Ā I am 1/2 way through your book "Home With God" - the 3rd I have read of your many writings. Maybe I haven't gotten far enough in yet, but I keep waiting for you & God to talk about whether or not we somehow hold onto the increased level of awareness we have achieved (and are achieving right now as a result of receiving His message through you) when we transition into future physical lives. In other words, will the strides that my soul has made in this lifetime and...
Reader question:
Dear Neale,Ā Thank you so much for your books and your online CWG course that I really enjoyed. You have filled my soul with the answers to the questions that were driving me to despair and I am truly grateful.
I now am confused with the soul's agenda vs personal creation. You have said the soul's agenda is always being met so where does personal creation come in to it, are we creating our reality with thought words and action or does the souls agenda always over ride what w...
Reader question:
Dear Neale,Ā Is everything truly perfect? Can we trust life to put us under opportunities that we desire when we donāt trust ourselves? For example my dream is to become a spiritual teacher just like you, and with it a doctorate in psychology. Yet, Im not a High school graduate im strugling to get my GED im 23. And ive been procrastinating a whole lot. I feel tied up. Can I or should I trust life to give me the way? Joy, Truth, and Love to you, Neale. Thank you. Ovi
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