It's Up to Us!

Our world moves closer toward its most Magnificent Tomorrow, and we stand in thanks during this Season of Gratitude for this wonderful experience.  Extraordinary developments occur every day which confirm for us that our brightest future is on its way.  Not all of these developments seems to be the most positive in-the-moment, but all of them will be leading us eventually to humanity's new horizon, the dawning of a new way to live together on this planet, and a new age of spiritual awareness.


I am as certain about this as anything -- and I am equally certain that our progress along this path will be made easier and faster with help and determination and commitment from "regular people" all over the world...people like me and you. I mean, people other than world leaders and top-of-their-religion spiritual figures and global movie or music stars such as Bono. I mean "regular people" such as all of us. Authors, teachers, mechanics, computer repairmen, lawyers, massage therapists, real estate agents -- all of US, out here, living "real life." It's going to be up to US. We're going to do it or it's not going to happen.


And what is it, exactly, that we're going to do? We're going to work, each in our own way, to create the space of possibility for a new spirituality to emerge upon the earth. For it’s new ideas about God, about Life, and about Each Other that are going to change our world and create the New Tomorrow of which we here speak.


We can begin that process (or continue it if we have already begun) by taking every opportunity that life places before us to put the message of the New Spirituality into the public forum. I hope that each one of you will give as holiday gifts this year at least one copy of one of the CwG books to a friend or relative. I say this not because I want or need to see a few more copies of these books sold (after 10 million, the "sales job" is over), but because I sincerely believe these books, placed in the hands of more and more people, can one day change the world. Certainly, they change people's lives. We see this happening right and left.


So please...go out today and buy a copy of Home With God or What God Wants or even Conversations with God - Book 1 and wrap it up for under the tree. And if you're going to a Christmas party this year where there will be a gift exchange, what a wonderful gift this could be!


 Mostly, though, you can give the gift of your transparent love to your significant other. Transparent Love is my name for the kind of love that allows nothing to be hidden, ask everything to be revealed, renders all moments naked, and brings every truth to the room, told kindly, gently, and completely. 


Truth is the Highest Form of Love. During this Season of Gratitude, give thanks for your new determination to speak your truth as soon as you know it, and to love without condition.


With Pure Love,

Read this week's Letter to Neale here


Read a message from one of the prisoners impacted by our Prison Outreach HERE



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