A Letter to Neale


Reader Question:

Dear Neale... I am from Iran. I wish can a little better speaking English. I am sorry.  Can I send very question are in mind with GOD and myself? Can you help me? Very very thanks for this position. Who I am with all bad's before? Can I conversation with you later?  I wish you can understand from this text.
with thanks.

Neale Responds

Dear Friend,

I have received your email and yes, you may certainly have a conversation with me.  Just send me another email and let me know what you wish to say.  To answer your question in this email..."who you are" is a divine being, an individual expression of Divinity Itself.  All human beings, and all things that exist, are an expression of the Divine.  Allah loves each of us so much that Allah put a part of Allah in each of us.  We are all forgiven for "all bad's before."  God knows what is in our heart, God knows that we have all done things that we wish we did not do, and God knows we are all doing our best to get back Home, to God in Paradise.  Life on Earth can be the beginning of our paradise when we begin to believe this, and when we begin to understand each other and learn to love each other. 

You can help in this process, by extending love and understanding to the people around you, to everyone in your life, and to all the people of the world.  If all of us did the same thing, the world could be healed.  There would be no more wars.  There would be no more conflict.  There would be no more anger, no more terror, no more over-powering of one by another.

By extending the hand of friendship, we can bring peace to our planet.  I send you love from your friends in America, and all over the world.



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