A Letter to Neale


Dear Mr. Walsch,

Is there any way one can speed up this process of enlightenment, e.g., a "Cliff Notes" shortcut, or the use of the powerful "I AM" commands?

Steve, MI 


Neale Responds

Dear Steve,

The fastest way I know to "speed up" the process of enlightenment is to begin to seriously conjure the grandest version of the greatest vision you ever held about yourself and Who You Are. What does that look like? How would you dress? What would you eat? Where would you go? Who would you hang out with? What things would you do? (And not do?) What would you say? Get very specific here. In your highest idea about yourself, what are the answers to these questions? Write them down. Take pages, if you have to, to explain yourself to yourself. Then, once you've got that picture drawn, step into it. Wear the clothes. Do the things. Say the words. (This is where the I AM commands come in!) And do, say, and think nothing else.

This will seem presumptuous at first, because, believe me, your highest idea about yourself is pretty high. And people all around you will wonder what in the name of Sam Hill you are doing. Ignore them. Forget them, They know not of Who You Are. But remember this. Should you move into this vision, people will fall away on your right, and fall away on your left. You could feel deserted by those you thought loved you the most. Even your family could denounce you. I remember how hard it was even to make the really easy shift in what I was eating. Half my family made fun of me. It was crazy. You'd have thought I'd committed this huge sin, because I was changing the way I was eating. But, you see, what I was now choosing to eat really bugged them, because they saw it as making a judgment of them, even when I was doing nothing of the sort.

If you feel attacked, remember that all attack is a call for help. Just keep going your way. Do your thing. Raise your vision higher and higher, and live by the dictates of that vision. Seek to share with all others what you have come to know of yourself, what you have come to be. Just as you would share any million-dollar gift, share the gift of your self--your new self--with all those whose life you touch.

Your life will never be the same. The heaviness will go right out of it. You will be on the fast track toward enlightenment.

If you feel you still want a practical, hands-on tool, I suggest the Guidebook to CwG, Book 1 . If you faithfully do each and every exercise, process, and assignment in that guidebook from beginning to end, it is my thought that you will have given yourself the tools and mechanisms with which to make the wisdom in Conversations with God functional in your daily life--which, of course, will also hasten your journey to enlightenment.

many blessings,


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